Welcome! My name is Dr Jo Whitaker and I'm a crystals & water coach and practitioner and use natural supplements and cleanses/detoxed to improve mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing so you can function at your absolute optimum! https://linkfly.to/Drjowhitakerpt my social medial links are here - including self help groups on telegram - the amazing Plant Power Group!

I have a classical education biomedical sciences, genetics, oncology, microbiology, immunology but saw that healing naturally through alignment of the mind body and spirit was more effective than white coats and pills. I am on a mission to help as many people heal naturally as possible and to bring in new earth technology (which is really remembering old technology) to help accelerate our healing as we bring in the new earth.

Water is the absolute foundation to welbeing on all levels. It has much more value than most people realize and my role is as a guide and way-shower to the power of water in our lives. Structured, filtered, spring & distilled…. If you're confused about where to begin or how to take it to the next level, that's where I come in. This knowledge transformed my life as it does my clients and those I serve.

I teach health, fitness and wellbeing practitioners to help them grow their knowledge in areas that support the work they are doing. We all know that therapies do not work well or stick when in isolation of the whole person and their lifestyle, mindset and environment. 

In my client sessions, I specialize in coaching my clients through cleansing, detoxing, water purification, natural supplements and realistic exercise plans that fit into busy lives.

My clients have see significant results with chronic illness, fatigue, depression,  allergies, gut health issues , spiritual development, deprogramming, soul-work and psychic gift development.

Please see my ebay, Root Brand and Synergy shop for products I have seen work with my clients! I would say they come back again and again, but because I'm dealing with the root cause, many graduate from my coaching with new lives, and they don't look back!

If you would like to work with me 1 - 1 please see my /appointment-booking and I will develop a programme that will change your life and what you are dealing with on a daily basis. Work smarter not harder! Please leave me your phone number and email address so we can find a convenient time together.

I would really appreciate it if you would use my links, as they help me run my free services. I help my local community members who cannot afford access to nutritional supplements, and run walking groups and other FOC activities. 

Did you know that most disease can be traced back to the gut & heavy metal in your tissue?

Deal with that & symptoms such as hay fever, pet allergies, diabetes and other seemingly persistent illnesses may completely go! Of course it depends on your genetics but 70% of people are likely to find these symptoms completely eradicated & the other 30% will find alleviation of symptoms so they can live a normal life.

Deal with the root cause of:
🩼 Arthritis
🤧 Allergies
🥵 Food intolerance
😷 Recurrent colds/illness
🤯 ADHD, depression, anxiety, brain fog, memory loss
😰 Menopause 
🤢 Recurrent inflammation

You are welcome to join my other social media! 💚 
I want to share knowledge far and wide to help as many people as I can so please support me by liking and subscribing and sharing my links 💚😊 thank you very much 🙏

Here are all my many social media links including my self help groups with amazing resources and support from other members! https://linkfly.to/Drjowhitakerpt 

I don't spam! I will only update you with important new updates about new earth technologies. Love to you all! and thank you!